Jakes de Jager

Jakes de Jager

Safari Guide

Jakes has years of experience as a safari guide from leading hiking desert trails in the south of Namibia, camping safaris in the remote north west and venturing across borders into Botswana and Zambia. There’s no limit to his knowledge and the tales he can tell of the places he’s been. He’s done a lot and seen a lot and he’s waiting to welcome you on his next adventure.

Jakes de Jager
Jakes de JagerJakes de JagerJakes de Jager

With a background in agriculture and having graduated in such, Jakes moved to Namibia in 1995 and he’s been here ever since. Although he never actually ended up in the agricultural world, with his love for the outdoors and nature, becoming a safari guide seemed a logical choice. One he is still glad about after all these years and, on that note, we’re glad about it too.

He started off as a hiking guide in the NamibRand Reserve in 1998 but in 2001 he was offered the opportunity to lead camping tours as a safari guide into some of Namibia’s most ‘off the beaten track’ locations. A change of pace and scenery and Jakes found himself guiding, setting up camp and cooking for guests in one of the most exquisite areas of Namibia, the most far-flung north west. Still one of his favourite destinations with good reason. It’s unlike any other place he’s ever been. Kaokoland is desolate, raw and wild. Real untouched wilderness.  

Some five years later, Jakes began to lead tours throughout the whole of Namibia and with that also crossed over into Botswana and Zambia. Wildlife, animals and birds galore. Jakes always had an interest in birding, but if he has to pinpoint it, this is where it became a passion. The reason he can now call himself a specialist in birding safaris. Add to that animal behaviour and general wildlife safaris too.

When Jakes is not on tour, you can be sure he’s spending quality time with his wife and kids, out fishing along the Skeleton Coast or enjoying a braai (barbecue), a typical Namibian past time. Maybe you can persuade Jakes to braai for you on tour, come to think of it, it probably won’t take much persuading. If it’s beneath the clear night skies and somewhere in the bush where it’s quiet, even better.

Jakes is a great guy with loads of experience and tales aplenty. He’s a top-grade safari guide and someone you’ll be happy to have take you on tour. You can take our word for it.  

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"Thank you for all your hard work making such a successful trip!"

What a sensational week we had with Augie, seeing glorious Namibia!!  It was beyond our expectations and everyone at home is oooing and awwing over our photos.

Apr 24

"Breathtaking landscapes and unique cultural experiences"

We wouldn't hesitate to recommend your services to anyone seeking a truly exceptional travel experience in Namibia.

Apr 24

"NTS organized the trip wonderfully!"

We felt that the trip kept getting better every day

Feb 24

"The trip of our lives!"

Everything was excellently planned by Ashlee at Namibia Tours & Safaris.

Feb 24
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