Dayne Braine

Dayne Braine

Following in the footsteps of his father, Steve Braine and his older brother, Sean Braine, Dayne holds his own as a specialist guide in Namibia. He’s a respected voice in his field, a mighty fine photographer and he’s as passionate about the bush as he is a likeable guy. Put it this way – he’s seriously passionate which means you’re really going to like him.

A third generation bird watcher, this is how Dayne grew up, alongside his brother and eagerly learning from his father, who is an authority on all things ornithology and natural history: the man has even identified several species of butterfly and a species of beetle in Namibia. With his father as a teacher, it goes without saying it’s in his blood.

His childhood was spent exploring the bush of the Hobatere Concession. Wildlife, his backyard and also his chosen playground. Immersed into the setting of the tourism industry at Hobatere Lodge (in those days), he started wildlife guiding, always with his camera on hand.  Years later, Dayne’s now defined by both, as one of Namibia’s finest.

He knows a lot about a lot and it’s impressive. Not just of that in Namibia, he has also birded across the world in the United States, Australia and Borneo. That’s not even mentioning, Southern Africa and his explorations of Angola, Madagascar, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Botswana.  

Despite being a qualified commercial pilot Dayne prefers to be on the ground, scouting for desert adapted creatures and rather watching the unique endemic birds do the flying. There’s wonder in the desert, Dayne knows where to find it, how to share it with you and every time still marvel at it himself.

Coming from a family and background that eats, sleeps and breathes nature, it’s no surprise that this is what he does for a living, but for Dayne it’s more than that. He loves it. It’s his passion and it’s contagious.

Living by the words of Confucius “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Dayne wouldn’t rather be anywhere else but out in nature and if he can share it with you, that’s even better. Grab your camera and a notebook, you’re not going to want to miss any of it.

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"Thank you for all your hard work making such a successful trip!"

What a sensational week we had with Augie, seeing glorious Namibia!!  It was beyond our expectations and everyone at home is oooing and awwing over our photos.

Apr 24

"Breathtaking landscapes and unique cultural experiences"

We wouldn't hesitate to recommend your services to anyone seeking a truly exceptional travel experience in Namibia.

Apr 24

"NTS organized the trip wonderfully!"

We felt that the trip kept getting better every day

Feb 24

"The trip of our lives!"

Everything was excellently planned by Ashlee at Namibia Tours & Safaris.

Feb 24
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