Namibia, Delta, Chobe & Victoria Falls

Spectacular sunset view over the bush from your lodge in the Okavango Delta.

Namibia, Delta, Chobe & Victoria Falls

Spectacular sunset view over the bush from your lodge in the Okavango Delta.

This 16-day guided safari offers you the best of Namibia and Botswana ending in Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. Three countries in one.

Never ending and ever changing landscapes in the Namib Desert, the Skeleton Coast and Damaraland before you start with your real 'safari' and by that we mean you get serious about wildlife in Etosha National Park, along the Caprivi and on to the Okavango Delta and Chobe National Park before wrapping up your just over two week adventure, with the might of Victoria Falls.

This flexible itinerary considers both budget and time to make the most of a real African getaway that doesn't just focus on wildlife, although you'll be getting a generous helping of that, but also a contrast of scenery, amazing sights and a hint culture mixed in between. As we say, it's flexible so any changes are possible and tailoring this journey of discovery, to cover that which you most wish to discover, it what we do best.

Go all out and stay in some of the best accommodations throughout. Luxury and top-notch or keep it simple and do it more mid-market. The option is yours. Either way though, we'll make sure to take location, offering and your preferences into account to ensure you're getting the very best for your buck.

Let's start planning. We're excited and you should be too. This is the African holiday of a lifetime and did we mention that it is guided? You'll have your own private safari converted vehicle and guide. Splendid. Contact a Travel Expert now for a custom quote.

tour details

ZAR 78,775 + US$ 3,270pps
Luxury / Standard
Private Guided

trip summary

Day 1: Windhoek
Day 2 & 3: Sossusvlei
Day 4 & 5: Swakopmund
Day 6: Damaraland
Day 7: Etosha South
Day 8 & 9: Etosha East
Day 10: Caprivi
Day 11: Maun
Day 12 & 13: Okavango Delta
Day 14: Chobe NP
Day 15: Victoria Falls (Zim)
Day 16: Victoria Falls (Departure)

* the meals and activities included depends on the lodges you choose, contact us for more details

tour highlights

  • Explore the Namib Desert. The world’s oldest. Go climb the dunes. Some of the world's highest
  • Wander through the coastal town of Swakopmund. Enjoy Namibia's activity capital of Namibia
  • Wide open landscapes of a harsh and rugged Damaraland and the desert-adapted elephants who call it home
  • Etosha National Park with your private guide and vehicle. It doesn't get better than this
  • More wildlife. Game drives in the Mahango or Buffalo Game Park. Visit Popa Falls
  • Next level game viewing in the Okavango Delta. One of the world's last true deltas that remains
  • Elephants in their numbers on the Chobe River
  • Victoria Falls from Zimbabwe. Enjoy the rain forest and the wonder of the falls in all their glory

Day-to-day Itinerary

Day 1: Windhoek
( 1 night )

You will be met by your guide on arrival in Windhoek. Receive your travel package with map and extras. A friendly face, get to know your guide. He'll be with you for the duration of your holiday until in Maun.

When you're there: Go on a city tour of Windhoek with your guide (if time permits depending on your arrival time). The remainder of the day can be spent getting some rest after the long haul flight or pop into town for some things you may need and want on your trip. Your guide will assist with whatever you need. Tonight head into town for a bite to eat at one of Windhoek’s many restaurants. Your guide can make a recommendation and reservation for you.

Luxury Accommodation
The Weinberg Windhoek

Standard Accommodation
The Elegant Guesthouse

Day 2 & 3: Sossusvlei
( 2 nights )

After breakfast and a 4 to 5 hour drive you will arrive in Sossusvlei. This is just the beginning and there is so much more to come...

On the way: Frequent photo stops as you traverse scenic passes and plains through the world's oldest desert. Your guide knows the best places to stretch your legs and take in the incredible views. Feel free to ask questions and allow your guide to share with you the wonder of the Namibia beyond what meets the eye.

When you're there: Arrive and check in. Then there's time for the swimming pool and a cool drink. There are loads of things to do here and your guide will fill you in on the schedule and possibilities so you can decide in which order you wish to do them. There are walking trails; afternoon nature drives; visits to fossilised dunes; and of course Sossusvlei and Sesriem Canyon.

The first morning on your full day here will be an early one to get the best light at the Sossusvlei dunes. It's about an hour's drive into the protected area of the park; spend the morning exploring the towering and endless sand dunes and the dry pans. Make sure you have enough space on your camera and that the battery is charged. You'll want to take loads of pictures in an effort to capture the beauty of this incredible place.

Luxury Accommodation
Namib Outpost

Standard Accommodation
Desert Quiver Camp

Day 4 & 5: Swakopmund
( 2 nights )

Today you are off to Swakopmund on the Skeleton Coast. From the heat of the desert to the cool ocean breeze. You may experience all seasons in one day here but you'll enjoy the change of weather and the holiday "vibe' of this relaxed coastal town.

On the way: Stop in Solitaire, a small settlement that is made up of a service station, hotel, small shop and a bakery. Try the fresh baked goods. You're on holiday and eating is a part of it. Go for the famous apple strüdel. If you're still thinking about whether you should or not. We'll remind you that you just climbed some of the world's highest dunes. If you didn't, just eat it anyway. You'll thank us for the tip.

Take a picture at the Tropic of Capricorn. Through some scenic passes and then the landscape flattens out to the gravel plains. The moonscapes support the crazy welwitscha plant, which you can include and go see if your guide takes you on a detour.

When you're there: Swakopmund is a German-influenced town on the cool Atlantic coast. It's where all the Namibians from inland go on holiday so you know it's good. Head to Walvis Bay, a South African-influenced harbour town with a natural lagoon. Spend two days in Swakopmund exploring the dunes, the lagoon (in Walvis Bay) and the historical and cultural attractions of which there are many in both towns.

Activities and things to do in the area are many and varied. City and township tours with your guide. Take a stroll on your own through town. Muse the many art shops, jewellery stores, museums and galleries. Restaurants are plenty and the food is good. Choose a spot overlooking the sea. Your guide knows which are the best, so let him make recommendations and your bookings if necessary.

Explore the coastal desert by heading into the dunes - go quad biking or sand boarding or explore the cold Atlantic - go kayaking or on a dolphin boat cruise. You can even do both in one day if you wish. Swakopmund is your osyter, as the saying goes and talking about oysters, you should definitely eat some. They're good. Real good in these parts.

Luxury Accommodation
Strand Hotel

Standard Accommodation
Swakopmund Luxury Suites

Day 6: Damaraland
( 1 night )

Drive along the Skeleton Coast to Cape Cross and then make your way inland to the incredibly scenic Damaraland region of Namibia. It's all about the wide open spaces, the mountainous backdrops and large granite boulders.

On the way: Stop at Cape Cross for a look at the Cape Fur Seals breeding colony. Let your guide tell you about the possibly routes for today's drive. One offers more of the spectacular barren coast. The other heads inland. Both are magic.

When you're there: Damaraland is all about the scenic landscapes. The animals and plants that have adapted to life in the desert. Here you will go in search of the desert-adapted elephants which you have a good chance of seeing with your guide as he knows the area and some locals who will know when and where last they were spotted.

Your guide will also take you to the sights in the area: The ancient rock art sites, Burnt Mountain and Organ Pipes. Go on a nature walk to explore the wonder of this amazing place and the incredible scenery.

Luxury Accommodation
Mowani Mountain Camp

Standard Accommodation
Twyfelfontein Adventure Camp

Day 7: Etosha National Park - South
( 1 night )

From Damaraland, it's a relatively short drive to the southern side of Etosha National Park. Some serious safari and amazing game viewing awaits you.

On the way: The scenic mountains of Damaraland unfold into the great plains of the Etendeka Plateau, which might not really sound all that interesting, but take our word for it. It is. Namibia is a land of stunning landscapes and the drive today is no different.

When you're there: Game viewing, game viewing and more excellent game viewing is the order of the day. Guided game drives with your private guide and vehicle means your own pace and your own schedule. Enjoy the waterholes and the wildlife your way.

Luxury Accommodation
Ongava Lodge

Standard Accommodation
Etosha Village

Day 8 & 9: Etosha National Park - East
( 2 nights )

On the way: A full day drive through the park today takes you from south to east. Explore the park. Let your guide take you to his favourite spots. There's good reason they're his favourites.

When you're there: Go on guided sunrise and sunset game drives; spend a whole day in the park. There are 30-plus waterholes in Etosha. Spend time watching an incredible variety of animals come and go. Birding is excellent and if you aren't all that clued up on birds, your guide will point them out. If you know your birds, put in a special request and maybe you'll be lucky enough to spot that special one.

Luxury Accommodation
Mushara Outpost

Standard Accommodation
Onguma Bush Camp

Day 10: Caprivi
( 1 night )

After your fill of wildlife in Etosha, head to the Caprivi - Namibia's wetlands. More safari. Excellent birding and river cruises. Splendid!

On the way: Stop to view the largest meteorite in the world, the Hobas Meteorite if geology is your thing. Stretch your legs at suitable stops along the way as it's a long day on the road. Your guide will have arranged a packed lunch which you can enjoy as you go or at a shady spot roadside.

When you're there: There is loads to do in the Caprivi. Game drives, birding, walking safaris (at some places) and boat cruises on the river. Now that's a change from everywhere you've been so far. Thinking back you'll have to remind yourself you're still in the same country to the likes of Sossusvlei and Damaraland. Namibia is indeed diverse and you'll continually be surprised.

Sundowners in these parts are a must. The sunsets are spectacular over the water and you have more of that planned as you head into Botswana next. It's all sub-tropics with broad-leafed woodland plains, wide rivers and proud wildlife stalking the open spaces.

Luxury Accommodation
Divava Okavango Lodge & Spa

Standard Accommodation
Shametu River Lodge

Day 11: Maun
( 1 night )

On the way: An early start this morning. Ask your guide to wake you and if you are up early enough and time allows it's an early morning drive in the Mahango Game Park before you start on the drive to Maun. It's not a boring drive, but there's also not much to stop and see on the way.

Your guide will drop you at your accommodation and here you bid your guide farewell. The remainder of your tour is by road and light aircraft transfers.

When you're there: Relax at your lodge, enjoy a swim and a sundowner - tomorrow you head into the Okavango Delta. A little down time for the afternoon and another pleasant evening beneath the dark night skies.

Luxury Accommodation
Thamo Telele

Standard Accommodation
Audi Camp

Day 12 & 13: Okavango Delta
( 2 nights )

On the way: Your lodge will transfer you to the Maun Airport from were you will fly to your Okavango Delta lodge for the next two nights. Your lodge is situated in the Xaxanaka Region of Moremi Wildlife Reserve, the eastern segment of the Okavango Delta. Moremi combines mopane woodland and acacia forests, floodplains and lagoons and has a vast variety of plant, bird and animal life, creating one of the most magnificent and welcoming wildlife sanctuaries in all of Africa.

Today's charter flight is incredible. You could well say this was the activity for the day and it would be a day well spent, but it's only a short flip and then you're there. Sad but also not really because now you're in the heart of safari land and on landing you're off on your first game drive to the lodge.

When you're there: Water safaris, birdwatching, guided mokoro rides (traditional poled dugout canoes), walking safaris, game viewing: the quintessential delta experience. Wildlife is prolific and the scenery is wonderful.

*Your stay is booked on a fully inclusive basis which includes your scheduled camp activities with lodge guides

Luxury Accommodation
Camp Okavango

Standard Accommodation
Moremi Crossing

Day 14: Chobe National Park
( 1 night )

On the way: Game drive transfer back to the airstrip. Either a morning activity or a chilled breakfast and then you will take a charter flight to Kasane Airport. Welcome to Chobe National Park - home to the largest concentration of elephants in the world. You would have seen elephants by now, but it never gets old especially seeing so many of them together.

When you're there: Seeing that Chobe Game Reserve is one of the most famous game reserves in Africa, you can be sure you're in for some more great game viewing. The river teems with birdlife and animals in abundance. Enjoy river cruises on the Chobe River and game drives in open safari vehicles inside the park.

Luxury Accommodation
Chobe Game Lodge

Standard Accommodation
Chobe Safari Lodge

Day 15: Victoria Falls (Zim)
( 1 night )

On the way: Your lodge will transfer you to your lodge in Victoria Falls on the Zimbabwean side where the views are spectacular. It's really just a transfer but crossing the border is in itself an activity. Don't fret your driver will assist at the border.

When you're there: Explore the wonder and might of Victoria Falls. Walk through the rain forest on your own or with a guide. Head into town to explore. Buy some curios. Go for lunch overlooking the gorge. Dinner at The Boma Restaurant (it's an all authentic experience of local cuisine and cultures).

Do things at your own pace. There's loads to do. Ask the lodge reception to assist with activity bookings. Go on a sundowner cruise or take a flip over the falls in a helicopter. If you're keen on some adrenaline activities, go bungee jumping, zip lining or whatever you feel like. There's no shortage of things to do to keep you busy here and you'll have to selective about what you do, depending on how this fits into your schedule.

Luxury Accommodation
Victoria Falls Hotel

Standard Accommodation
Batonka Guest Lodge

Day 16: Victoria Falls (Zim)
( Departure / End of Tour )

After breakfast squeeze in a morning activity if time allows before your transfer to the airport to catch your onward flight out. What an adventure you have had. From the desolate and dry areas of Namibia to the lush wetlands of the Delta and Chobe... Wow! We know you'll be back but until then, we wish you safe travels back home to go share your photos and journey with your family and friends.


  • Accommodation
  • Meals (details on request)
  • Vehicle and all vehicle costs including fuel
  • Professional guide and all guide costs
  • Drinking water in the vehicle at all times
  • All activities as indicated and as can be done with NTS guide and vehicle
  • Park entry fees
  • Meet and Greet
  • Airport and airstrip transfers
  • Shared road transfers as necessary
  • Seat on shared charter flights as indicated
  • 24/7 in-country support
  • Comprehensive travel diary with detailed itinerary, map, route descriptions, booking vouchers, contact numbers and useful information


  • International flights
  • Personal travel insurance
  • Visas and visa applications
  • Staff gratuities


ZAR 78,775 + US$ 3,270pps
No. of Guests 2 4 6 Single Sup  
Low Season  ZAR 114 170 ZAR 84 865 ZAR 74 600 ZAR 18 985 (Nam section)
  US$ 4 615 US$ 4 615 US$ 4 615 US$ 1 345 (Bots/Zim section) 
High Season ZAR 126 700 ZAR 94 730 ZAR 83 430 ZAR 21 470 (Nam section) 
  US$ 5 480 US$ 5 480 US$ 5 480 US$ 1 690 (Bots/Zim section)  
Low Season  ZAR 78 775 ZAR 53 415 ZAR 44 650 ZAR 8 095 (Nam section)
  US$ 3 270 US$ 3 270 US$ 3 270 US$ 785 (Bots/Zim section) 
High Season ZAR 84 610 ZAR 57 495 ZAR 47 815 ZAR 8 520 (Nam section) 
  US$ 3 500 US$ 3 500 US$ 3 500 US$ 875 (Bots/Zim section)  
No. of Guests 2 4 6 Single Sup  
Low Season  ZAR 165 375 ZAR 126 870 ZAR 113 445 ZAR 31 560 (Nam section)
  US$ 3 995 US$ 3 995 US$ 3 995 US$ 1 020 (Bots/Zim section) 
High Season ZAR 178 645 ZAR 137 350 ZAR 122 815 ZAR 34 155 (Nam section) 
  US$ 5 675 US$ 5 675 US$ 5 675 US$ 1 695 (Bots/Zim section)  
Low Season  ZAR 94 290 ZAR 63 970 ZAR 53 275 ZAR 9 535 (Nam section)
  US$ 3 390 US$ 3 390 US$ 3 390 US$ 805 (Bots/Zim section) 
High Season ZAR 100 650 ZAR 68 345 ZAR 56 805 ZAR 10 005 (Nam section) 
  US$ 3 930 US$ 3 930 US$ 3 930 US$ 1 020 (Bots/Zim section)  

Tour map

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"Thank you for all your hard work making such a successful trip!"

What a sensational week we had with Augie, seeing glorious Namibia!!  It was beyond our expectations and everyone at home is oooing and awwing over our photos.

Apr 24

"Breathtaking landscapes and unique cultural experiences"

We wouldn't hesitate to recommend your services to anyone seeking a truly exceptional travel experience in Namibia.

Apr 24

"NTS organized the trip wonderfully!"

We felt that the trip kept getting better every day

Feb 24

"The trip of our lives!"

Everything was excellently planned by Ashlee at Namibia Tours & Safaris.

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